Networking actions
Various scientists from the University of Hohenheim have built a diverse collaboration network with scientists and research institutions from Costa Rica, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, as well as industry partners in Europe and Latin America. Some of these networking actions are the following:

• The kick-off meeting of the project AcroAlliance (Development of Acrocomia value chains from the seed to high-value products for a global bioeconomy based on the sustainable use of local biodiversity) took place at the Federal University of Viçosa on 25th and 26th November 2022.
• From 11th to 13th September 2019, leading scientists from Latin America and Germany met for the first time to present on-going research activities and discuss knowledge gaps, research priorities and future collaborations with regard to Acrocomia spp., (Macaw palm, Macauba) and its bioeconomical potential. Our guests represented different geographic regions and scientific disciplines with complementary expertise along the Acrocomia value chain. +info
• Prof. Sergio Motoike from the Federal University of Viçosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil), who is a highly known researcher in the area of Acrocomia, will stay in the University of Hohenheim as visit professor in the summer semester 2019, with the support of the Food Security Center of the University of Hohenheim and the Ministry of culture, youth and Sports Baden-Württemberg. +info
• In the framework of the Hans Ruthenberg Institute's Strategy workshop in December 2018, Acrocomia was identified as key research focus.
• An exchange bachelor student from Costa Rica conducted between October 2018 and February 2019 a research on Acrocomia fruits as part of the bachelor thesis.
• Visit and participation of Prof. Víctor Jiménez in the Acrocomia workshop on 12th June 2018, Alumni of the University Hohenheim and regional coordinator for South and Central America of the Food Security Center of the University of Hohenheim. Prof. Víctor Jiménez leads Acrocomia research in Costa Rica.
• Acrocomia internal workshop on 12th June 2018 at the University of Hohenheim: Presentation of research works and interests from professors and researchers of the University of Hohenheim. In this event, it was developed the Acrocomia-Hub initiative, with the direction of Dr. Thomas Hilger as hub manager and Prof. Iris Lewandowski as alternate Hub-Manager. +info
• Visit and stay by Prof. Lewandowski in Costa Rica (2018) in the Costa Rica University (Prof. Iris Lewandoswki ist Chief Bioeconomy Officer (CBO) from the University of Hohenheim, with connections for further research projects on Acrocomia).
• The unit of Agronomy in the tropics and subtropics plans to engage a Ph.D student to investigate the “Influence of Climate influence on variation of inflorescence traits in the Neotropical oilseed palm Acrocomia aculeata” for a period of three years and financed by the Fonds Nacional de la Recherche Luxembourg.
• The Department of Biobased products and energy crops, Institute of Crop Sciences, will engage a Ph.D student with focus on Acrocomia value chains in March 2019, with the aim of supporting the networking activities inside and outside the University of Hohenheim.