


AcroAlliance Newsletter January 2025

Starting off the year with a brand new issue of the AcroAlliance Newsletter, this issue showcases the events the AcroAllliance project was part of. Congresses, workshops, excursions and more! We invite you to ...more. 


CANALLS 4th Newsletter

The CANALLS project has released its 4th newsletter, presenting notable achievements and ongoing initiatives to drive agroecological transitions across Central and Eastern Africa. Below are the key highlights ...more

CANALLS Field Visit to Cameroon
02.- 06.12.2024

In early December, the Canalls project coordination team, led by Dr. Hycenth Tim Ndah and Dr. Beatriz Herrera from the University of Hohenheim undertook a field mission to the Ntui Agroecology Living Lab (ALL) ...more

MACAUBA Congress 2024
23.- 25.10.2024

The 1st International Macauba Congress took place at the IAC Instituto Agronômico de Campinas in Brazil, bringing together hundreds of students, researchers, scientists, industry partners, and speakers. The event featured ...more

11.- 13.09.2024

This year’s Tropentag marked another milestone in the annual interdisciplinary conference dedicated to addressing key issues in agriculture, natural resource management, and rural development. From September 11-13, 2024, the city of Vienna became ...more 

CANALLS 3rd Press Release 

On July 5th, CANALLS issued its 3rd press release highlighting significant progress and achievement on its journey to drive agroecological transitions in the humid tropics of Central and Eastern Africa via multi-actor transdisciplinary Agroecology ...more

Tag der Offenen Tür 2024

The University of Hohenheim held its annual Open Day on Saturday, June 29, 2024, inviting visitors to explore its beautiful campus. Attendees gained insights into the world of research through exciting lectures, guided tours, and information stands. The event ...more

Agrinatura General Assembly 2024

Agrinatura is the European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development, an entity established jointly by European Research and Education organisations. This network of European universities and ... more.

RUN Showroom Soft Opening

On Wednesday 17th of April, the RUN "Rural Urban Nutrient Partnership - Nutrient Communities for Sustainable Agriculture" Showroom opening took place. This showroom provided students, doctoral candidates and the ...more 

11th German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development Towards at a Resilient and Safe Future

The 11th issue of the German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development was celebrated in the city of Tübingen, in here, researchers and academics from both Germany and Brazil...more

AcroAlliance Newsletter: Project Recap 2023

Last year was a breakthrough period for Macauba and the ongoing AcroAlliance project, with many advances in the different work packages and recent discoveries. We are thrilled to share with you the first issue of the AcroAlliance Newsletter ...more

Uni Hohenheim goes Agroforscht: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft

Ein letztes Mal »Uni Hohenheim goes Agroforscht«. Am 23.01.2024 fanden wir uns VORERST das letzte Mal im Hörsaal B2 zu unserer Vortragsreihe zusammen. Als Ehrengast und wahrlich einen Experten im Feld ...more

Uni Hohenheim goes Agroforscht: Praxis von modernen Agroforstsystemen

Am 16.01.2024, durften wir uns, in schon fast routinierter Weise, zu einer weiteren Veranstaltung unserer Reihe »Uni Hohenheim goes Agroforscht« zusammenfinden. Weg von reiner ...more

Uni Hohenheim goes Agroforscht: Agroforstwirtschaft und Böden

Letzten Dienstag, durften wir mit unserer vierten Veranstaltung der Reihe »Uni Hohenheim goes Agroforscht« ins neue Jahr starten. Das Thema Agroforstwirtschaft und Böden  ...more


INCrease Initiation phase

Indigenous and neglected crops (e.g. sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet, cowpea or bambara groundnuts) are crops that are considered neglected and underutilised species compared ...more

Trans4num: China visit

Last week, as a follow-up for the trans4num kickoff meeting, our UHOH project research team set-off to China to learn about the Chinese consortium project and gather first hand insight ...more. 


The annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development (Tropentag) was jointly ...more

Bio-Geosphere Africa 2023

At the The Bio-Geosphere Africa 2023: Research for Diversity and Sustainable Development in the Face of Climate Change Conference (BioGARD), we had 25 presentations...more


Die Öko-Feldtage am 14. und 15. Juni in Ditzingen-Hirschlanden bei Stuttgart zeigten auf dem Acker und im Stall Lösungen auf für die drängenden Fragen der gesamten...mehr

Tag der offenen Tür

On Saturday, July 8, 2023, the University of Hohenheim opened its doors again and invited visitors of all ages to experience the beautiful university campus live. Presentations with ...more

Agroforst Kick-off event

Das Kick-Off Event der neugeschaffenen Koordinationsstelle Agroforstsystemforschung (kAFo) fand am 25.05.23 im Blauen Saal in Schloss Hohenheim ...more

Navigating Brussels with ELLS 2023
23 - 25. 05. 2023

The Hohenheim research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems was part of the organizing team of a 3-day intensive course. The course was ...more

MERCURY AMF online Seminar

Capacity building videos of “Mercury-AMF Phytoremediation of Mercury-contaminated Mining Sites in Ghana and Burkina Faso Using Arbuscular ...more

CANALLS Kick-off event

The kick off meeting of the project "Driving agroecological transitions in the humid tropics of Central and Eastern Africa through traNsdisciplinary Agroecology Living LabS (CANALLS)" ...more

Trans4num Kick-off event

At the University of Hohenheim, in February 21, 2023, took place the kick off event of the project "Transformation for sustainable nutrient supply and management" in agriculture ...more


Landwirtschaftlicher Hochschultag 2022

This event aimed to bring together scientific and practical perspectives in order to explore the possibilities for reducing the tension between biodiversity and agriculture.The loss of biological diversity ...more

Hochschultag für nachhaltige Entwicklung 2022

On July 6, 2022, the University of Hohenheim welcomed 120 participants to the very first University Day for Sustainable Development in the beautiful castle of Hohenheim. The event gathered ...more

TV report on Mercury project

The report named "Reviving a poisoned earth: How a fungus is giving hope to Ghana’s contaminated soil" presents the impact of the Mercury project. Researchers of the University of Hohenheim were interviewed and ...more

Tag der offenen Tür

"Sustainability" is not a new concept. More than 300 years ago, it was already used to address the creation of a stable equilibrium in forestry. Today, the concept of sustainability permeates all areas of our private and social lives ...more


Network Meeting Africa Research

The University of Hohenheim (UHOH) has broad expertise in Africa-related research. The Network Meeting Africa Research aimed to bring together all the different actors working on Africa-related projects in  ...more

Tropentag 2021: 'Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future'

The University of Hohenheim hosted a hybrid version of the Tropentag conference. The theme "Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and ...more

UHOH Workshop "Rethinking Agriculture"

The Hohenheim Seminar promoted “out-off-the box” thinking and discussions among scientists within the University of Hohenheim. Participants such as students, academic partners and the interested  ...more

“European Legumes in Transition” - Webinar-Series of the projects LEGVALUE and TRUE for Decisionmakers and Stakeholders

This “European Legumes in Transition” series of webinars was launched under the banner of the ...more

Hohenheim Online Seminar "Rethinking Agriculture"

The Hohenheim Seminar wants to promote “out-off-the box” thinking and discussions among scientists within the University of Hohenheim. We invite students, academic partners and the ...more

North-South partnerships in research and education for the transformation of food systems

Agrinatura released the “Agrinatura Position on Research and Innovation in Food Systems, a contribution to the dialogues ...more

Until 2020

TRUE General Assembly

The project "TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe" is a balanced practice-research partnership of 24 institutions, wich aims to identify the best routes...more

Applying Ecological Science to improve Agricultural  Sustainability

Next week Prof. Jacob Weiner will visit Hohenheim, who works on Plant Population Ecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the...more

Beef or Beans? Protein transition and the double burden

Parallel Session at the Hidden Hunger Congress 2019: What are the strategies for an equitably distributed and healthy protein ...more

Congress FOOD 2030: Towards sustainable agri-food systems

The Aim of the two days event was to make the EU research policy Food 2030 known to a broader academic and non- ...more

Agrinatura General Assembly and Workshop

General Assembly, public workshops and 30 Years Agrinatura anniversary ...more                        

European Legume Innovation and Networking Workshop

The workshop gave more insight about the aims of the ...more

Transdisciplinary research for food and nutrition security

The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end hunger ...more

Information Day on horizon 2020 at the University of Hohenheim

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever with ...more

Food Security and Nutrition in the context of the 2030 Agenda: Science and Knowledge for Action

The University of Hohenheim and the High Level Panel of Experts of the UN-Committee on World Food Security organized a high-level ...more