
AGRINATURA communications [10.02.2025]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [27.01.2025]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [20.01.2025]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [13.01.2025]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [09.12.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [25.11.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [11.11.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [04.11.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

AGRINATURA communications [28.10.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

Call for Participation: Trans4num INSPIRE Hackathon Challenges [17.10.2024]

Are you ready to tackle real-world problems and join a vibrant international knowledge community? The trans4num INSPIRE Hackathon 2024 invites you to collaborate with experts and innovators in solving critical challenges across various sectors!more

AGRINATURA communications [14.10.2024]

The University of Hohenheim (UHOH) is part of AGRINATURA. At UHOH, the Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems serves as the main point of contact between the University and the AGRINATURA network.more

Call for Participation: Trans4num INSPIRE Hackathon 2024 [09.10.2024]

Are you passionate about addressing real-world challenges and eager to collaborate within an international knowledge community? more

AGRINATURA communications [16.09.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

Trans4num Inspire Hackathon 2024 [05.09.2024]

Don’t miss the chance to participate in the trans4num Inspire Hackathon 2024 that is now extended untill mid-September 2024 more

AGRINATURA communications [02.09.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [15.07.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

Call for research proposals on "Agroecological innovations for territorial markets" [12.07.2024]

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) just published the fifth call for research proposals under the funding instrument "International research cooperation for global food security".more

AGRINATURA communications [24.06.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [17.06.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [03.06.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [27.05.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [20.05.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [29.04.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [23.04.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [16.04.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

Eröffnung Showroom Projekt-RUN - Meet the Junior Scientist [11.04.2024]

RUN - RURAL URBAN NUTRIENT PARTNERSHIP Nährstoffgemeinschaften für eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaftmore

AGRINATURA communications [09.04.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

AGRINATURA communications [01.03.2024]

The University of Hohenheim is part of AGRINATURA. The research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems is the main contact point between UHOH and the network.more

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