Yvonne Zahumensky

Yvonne Zahumensky joined the Hohenheim Research Center for Food Security and Ecosystems (GFE) as a Project Manager in 2019. She holds a Diploma degree in Geography of Developing Countries from the University of Tübingen. In her thesis she evaluated the effects of participatory tools on organic cotton farmers’ proactive participation in a Participatory Technology Development (PTD) project in India where farmers and researchers jointly experimented with low-input soil treatments to increase local soil fertility. During an internship in Brazil she gained practical experience in participatory project monitoring an evaluation with local farmers in an international development project about the protection of the tropical rain forest. 

Before joining GFE, Yvonne completed a further journalistic training as an editor at the publishing company Ulmer Verlag in Hohenheim. Furthermore, she worked as research associate in a water related research project in Lima, Perú at the Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Research of the University of Stuttgart (ZIRIUS). Her key activities have been actors analysis and participatory stakeholders’ evaluation of innovative water management concepts.

At GFE, Yvonnes function is mainly to manage the communication and dissemination tasks in the BMBF-project RUN (Rural Urban Nutrient Partnership). This pilot project aims at developing innovative solutions for the closure of regional nutrient cycles between city districts and nearby agriculture via nutrient recycling of waste water and organic consumer waste.


On-going projects

Rural Urban Nutrient Partnership (RUN)