Dr. Hycenth Tim Ndah
Dr. Hycenth Tim Ndah is an accomplished Senior Research Associate with expertise in participatory action research approaches in agricultural and agri-food systems. He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences from Uni-Humboldt in Berlin, Germany, and an MSc in agricultural sciences, specializing in food security and natural resource management, from Uni-Hohenheim, also in Germany. Dr. Tim Ndah's educational background includes a BSc in Geography and a diploma in economics from Uni-Buea in Cameroon.
His primary areas of focus include knowledge and innovation management, innovation support services, adoption and scaling processes of innovations, multi-stakeholder joint learning and transformative processes, and organizational capacity assessment approaches within agricultural and agri-food systems.
Prior to his current role as the Managing Director of GFE, Dr. Tim Ndah had a longstanding affiliation with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), where he worked within the Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services working group since 2008. Additionally, since 2013, he has served as a researcher and lecturer at Uni-Hohenheim, within the chair of Communication and Advisory Services in Rural Areas.
Dr. Tim Ndah has made significant contributions to advancing scientific knowledge through his involvement in numerous inter-transdisciplinary projects across Africa and the EU. His dedication is evident in his extensive publication record, comprising several peer-reviewed scientific publications in his areas of expertise. He also actively contributes to the academic community by serving as a member of editorial and review boards for various journals. Furthermore, Dr. Tim Ndah has played a pivotal role in supporting academic growth as a member of the scholarships review board for DAAD, participating in the selection of Postdoc and MSc applications over several years.
1. Ndah HT., Schuler J., Uthes S., Zander P., Triomphe B., Mkomwa S., Corbeels M. (2015) Adoption potential for conservation agriculture in Africa: a newly developed assessment approach (QAToCA) applied in Kenya and Tanzania. Land Degradation & Development 26, 2, 133-141.
2. Ndah, HT., Probst, L., Kaweesa, S., Kuria, P., Mkomwa, S., Rodrigues, P., Basch, G., Uckert, G., Sieber, S., and Knierim, A. (2020). Improving farmers’ livelihoods through conservation agriculture: options for change promotion in Laikipia, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1-20.
3. Ndah, HT., Schuler, J., Diehl, K., Bateki, C., Sieber, S., and Knierim, A. (2018) From dogmatic views on conservation agriculture adoption in Zambia towards adapting to context. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1-15.
4. Ndah, HT., Schuler, J., Nkwain, V. N., Nzogela, B., Mangesho, W., Mollel, R., Paul, B. K. (2022). Determinants for Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption of Improved Forages in Dairy Production Systems: The Case of Tanga Region, Tanzania. Agronomy, 12(2), 305
5. Vogel, C., Mathé, S., Geitzenauer, M., Ndah, HT., Sieber, S., Bonatti, M., and Lana, M. (2020). Stakeholders’ perceptions on sustainability transition pathways of the cocoa value chain towards improved livelihood of small-scale farming households in Cameroon. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1-15.
6. Corbeels, M., de Graaff, J., Ndah, HT., Penot, E., Baudron, F., Naudin, K., Andrieu, N., Chirat, G., Schuler, J., Nyagumbo, I., Rusinamhodzi, L., Traore, K., Mzoba, H. D., and Adolwa, I. S. (2014). Understanding the impact and adoption of conservation agriculture in Africa: A multi-scale analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 187, 155-170
7. Audouin A., Dugué P., Randrianarisona N., Ndah HT., Ratsimbazafy T., Andriamaniraka H., Noharinjanaharya ES., Ralisoa N., Mathe, S., (2021). "Which place of agricultural advisory services among innovation support services in Madagascar?" Cahiers Agricultures 30
8. Ndah HT., Knierim A., Ndambi OA. (2011) Fishpond aquaculture in Cameroon: a field survey of determinants for farmers' adoption behaviour The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 17, 4, 309-323.
9. Ndah HT., Schuler J., Uthes S., Zander P., Traore K., Gama M-S., Nyagumbo I., Triomphe B., Sieber S., Corbels M. (2014) Adoption potential of conservation agriculture practices in Sub-Saharan Africa: results from five case studies. Environmental Management 53, 3, 620-635.
10. Ebile, P A., Ndah HT., Wünsche JN (2021) Agricultural risk assessment to enhance the food systems of the Mbororo minority community in the Northwest region of Cameroon." Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS) 122.2, 207-217
For more, see ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hycenth-Ndah
1 CANALLS – Driving agroecological transitions in the humid tropics of Central and Eastern Africa through traNsdisciplinary Agroecology Living LabS (101083653), Horizon Europe programme 2023 – 2026: https://www.canalls-project.eu/
2 COINS: Co-developing innovations for sustainable land management in West African smallholder farming systems, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Case Countries : Ghana and Senega: 2022-2026: https://sustainable-landmanagement-africa.net/project/coins/
3 SERESERVInnov project: Strengthening innovation support SERVices to enhance INNOVations for sustainable food production, EU-Leap Agri programme, case countries: Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, 2018-2022: https://servinnov.cirad.fr/
4 INCAA: Innovative Conservation Agriculture Approaches: Food Security and Climate Action Through Soil and Water Conservation, case countries: Kenya, Burkina Faso, EU-ERA Africa Programme, 2014-2017: https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/projects-activities/incaa-%E2%80%93-innovative-conservation-agriculture-approaches-food-security-climate_en
5 Potinnoc: Potential analysis of value chain systems of cocoa in Cameroon, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Development Agency (GIZ), case country: Cameroon, 2015-2016
6 Potential farm to landscape impact and adoption of forage technologies in smallholder dairy production systems in Tanzania, German Development Agency (GIZ), case country: Tanzania: 2015-2016
7 CA2Africa: Conservation Agriculture in AFRICA: Analysing and Foreseeing its Impact - Comprehending its Adoption, European Commission (EU), case countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Benin, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tunisia,Morocco, 2010-2012: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/245347/reporting
8 AgriSpin - Space for innovations in Agriculture, EU-Horizon 2020 programme; case countries: Spain, Denmark, Germany, Finland, UK, Belgium, Netherland, Italy, Romania,Guadeloupe, Greece; 2015-2018: https://agrispin.eu/
9 IRRINN - Intensification of agricultural production through upscaling of innovative adapted irrigation practices and technologies, European Union; Case Countries: Burkina Faso; 2021-2024: https://www.irrinn.org/
10 FAIR - Fostering Agroecological Intensification to improve farmers’ Resilience in Sahel. European Union; case countries: Burkina Faso, Senegal: 2020-2025: https://www.fair-sahel.org/
11 PRO AKIS - Prospects for Farmers' Support: Advisory Services in European AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Information System); European Union; case countries: 27-EU Countries: 2012-2015: https://430a.uni-hohenheim.de/pro-akis