Navigating Brussels with ELLS 2023 – Training course: How can the EU help you to develop your scientific career?

23 - 25 May 2023 in Brussels, Belgium

The Hohenheim research center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems was part of the organizing team of a 3-day intensive course. The course was organized by ELLS ST Research Support Offices and allowed its participants to get to know the European research programmes for young scientists, experience project development in an intercultural interdisciplinary international team, network with colleagues and friends from around Europe, and get to know the secrets of Brussels institutions and European policies.

The course consisted of a mix of presentations, site visits, workshop and networking opportunities that will provide participants with...

·         an introduction to European research programmes for young scientists and to key elements of grant writing

·         tools to assess the current status of their career, to identify strengths and fields for development

·         a better understanding of the workings of European research policy and funding and incorporate this knowledge in future project applications

·         knowledge about research related job opportunities outside of academia and industry

The course was designed for junior post docs (1 yr < PhD < 4 yrs). To make the course interactive the number of participants wass limited to a maximum of 20 persons.

The course was conducted from May 23, 09:00 to May 25, 15:00 and it took place at several locations in the vicinity of the European Parliament.

There was no tuition fee. Enrolled participants received a travel subsidy to support the covering of transport & accommodation costs.