Meeting with the Ambassador of India for strengthening the Indo-German academic collaboration [12.04.22]
On the 6th of April, the University of Hohenheim welcomed Indian Ambassador Harish Parvathaneni and Consul General Mohit Yadav to the workshop aiming to foster the scientific and educational collaboration with India, which has been organized by the Hohenheim Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems.
Scientists from Hohenheim pointed out topics that would be interesting for the Indo-German cooperation in research and higher education:
- bioeconomy
- organic agriculture
- nature-based solutions in urban agriculture for supporting sustainable urban development
- remote sensing for monitoring soil and crop health status
- artificial intelligence (AI) for detecting and managing crop diseases
- bee keeping and honey production
- digital tools for small holder farming systems
Jun.-Prof. Andreas Schweiger presented an ongoing initiative focused on sustainable agroecosystems and ecological integrity of the mountainous ecosystems of the Indian state Uttarakhand. The intensive dialogue between the University of Hohenheim and the University of Garhwal is to be continued during an exploratory visit and workshop in Uttarakhand in May 2022 in order to build foundation for a joint research proposal.
There was the general feeling that agricultural research could be placed on the agenda of bilateral cooperation. The workshop sketched out ideas for cooperation in joint training on organic farming, and collaboration with start-up companies in the field of bioeconomy to be followed up.