Call for research proposals on "Agroecological innovations for territorial markets"   [12.07.24]

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) just published the fifth call for research proposals under the funding instrument "International research cooperation for global food security".


Dear colleagues,

The topics for the thematic focus of the call are:
- (Further) development and use of agroecological (including technological, digital, institutional, organisational, social) innovations, taking input supply chains and their markets as well as possibilities for scaling into consideration;
- Connecting urban and/or urban producers of agroecological products and customers, alternative food networks, diversification of marketing channels and systems (value webs), responsible innovative financing mechanisms and business models including strategies and innovations based on economic solidarity;
- Standards and certification for the differentiation and evaluation of agroecological food, investments, and business models, including relevant implementation models, giving due consideration to food safety and labor rights;
- Consumer behaviour and marketing innovations to open up markets for agroecologically produced food;
- Policy framework conditions and governance to strengthen agroecological marketing channels and territorial markets, study of food policies and incentive systems, the role of knowledge and innovation systems.

Short project proposals can be submitted until Monday, 30 September 2024.

The Hohenheim Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems (GFE) plays an instrumental role from the inception to the delivery of research projects that address inter- and transdisciplinary research in global food security and ecosystems. In addition to and in cooperation with the Research Support Department, we support scientists in developing and implementing such research initiatives. In doing so, we offer a range of services for scientists both within and outside University of Hohenheim.

If you are interested or have questions about the call please contact our colleague David Puerta ( for more info.

Please find the full text of the call here.




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