IALE D: Fachsitzung 3.1 Action Research tools on Farming Systems, Innovations and Rural Development [25.04.19]
The International Association for Landscape Ecology in Germany will hold its annual meeting in Potsdam, 30.9.-2.10.2019. We would like to raise awareness to the following panel session: Fachsitzung 3.1: Action Research tools on Farming Systems, Innovations and Rural Development.The session gives German and international young researchers an opportunity to present or discuss the potential of participatory and action research methods and tools in the context of landscapes, sustainability and climate change. The closing date for abstracts is 15. June. Abstracts can be submitted via the IALE D website: www.iale.de/iale-2019/tagungsseite.html. When submitting, please make sure to allocate your abstract to the Fachsitzung. Contributions are welcome in English or German language.
IALE-D Jahrestagung 30. September - 02. Oktober 2019 at the University of Potsdam
Landschaft im Klimaschutz
Fachsitzung 3.1: Action Research tools on Farming Systems, Innovations and Rural Development
The workshop connects on multi-stakeholder joint learning processes in the field of rural and agricultural landscapes, and particularly on sustainability-oriented innovations in agriculture. Joint learning tools have proven to be useful as a means of data collection, analysis, exchange and results visualisation processes and have been widely used in structuring and exploring problems, and of generating qualitative and quantitative data for analysing and characterising decision spaces around agriculture, environment and rural landscapes. By linking work from development research and innovation systems we want to create a discussion platform for designing and applying these tools in the context of climate change in the global north and south.
Looking forward to meeting you there.