Interest in upcoming Horizon Europe calls?  [18.07.24]


Dear colleagues,

As many of you know, Hohenheim is part of the Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (CoRE-SFS), a strategic network for our university led by Prof. Dr. Christine Wieck. This network is working to facilitate future collaborations and the preparation of joint AU-EU proposals within the Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (CoRE-SFS). The next steps are some networking and match-making activities. For this, the network has prepared the following survey that can be accessed by clicking HERE. The survey will be closed by the end of July.

After an initial section dedicated to general information and main research expertise, the survey is focused on screening your potential interest in joining proposals within the Horizon Europe (HEU) Cluster 6 Work Programme 2025 and MSCA Doctoral Networks. Before completing the survey, it is important to consult the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Work Programme 2025 (attached) and information on the MSCA Doctoral Networks available at this link.

In addition, please find attached a brief Horizon Europe presentation aimed at giving an overview of the Programme and, more generally, to guide you in the context of project proposal development. Please note that most of the contents in the presentation are also shown in the survey. Hence, we suggest you take a look at the presentation first before completing the survey.

The Hohenheim Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems (GFE) is supporting this initiative. Please contact Mr. David Puerta ( for questions about the survey. GFE provides support for your applications.

Best Regards,

The GFE team

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