
EIP-AGRI seminar ‘Digital Innovation Hubs: mainstreaming digital agriculture’ - Deadline 8 March [02.03.2017]

The European Commission is organising the two-day EIP-AGRI seminar ‘Digital Innovation Hubs: mainstreaming digital agriculture’. It will take place on 1-2 June 2017 in Kilkenny, Ireland. The application period open until 8th of March 2017.more

Das GFE sucht eine/n Assistenten/in zur Unterstützung der Geschäftsführung [02.03.2017]

Vorraussichtlich zum 19.06.2017 sucht das Forschungszentrum für Globale Ernährungssicherung und Ökosysteme eine/n Assistenten/in zur Unterstützung der Geschäftsführung. Es handelt sich um eine unbefristete 50% Stelle. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach TV-L 8.more

Das GFE sucht eine/n wissenschftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in [02.03.2017]

Zum 1.5.2017 suchen wir eine/n wissenschftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in zur Koordination und Umsetzung eines Arbeitspakets im EU-Projekt "TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe" (TRUE). Die Stelle ist befristet bis 31.03.2021.more

Tropentag 2017 [15.02.2017]

The Tropentag 2017 will take place at the University of Bonn, Germany, from September 20-22. This year's theme is “Future Agriculture: social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts”. The call for papers and preliminary conference information are now available.more

Konzernatlas 2017 zeigt beispiellose Fusionswelle in Agrar- und Ernährungsindustrie [11.01.2017]

Immer weniger Konzerne bestimmen weltweit über einen immer höheren Anteil der Lebensmittelerzeugung – zum Nachteil von Kleinbäuerinnen und -bauern, Landarbeiterinnen und -arbeitern sowie der regionalen Lebensmittelversorgung. Das zeigt der „Konzernatlas 2017“, eine Zusammenstellung von Analysen, Fakten und Grafiken zur Agrarindustrie. more

Second Monitoring Report on the implementation of Horizon 2020 [20.12.2016]

The European Commission has recently published its second Monitoring Report on the implementation of Horizon 2020, describing trends and statistics on participation in the years 2014 and 2015 altogether. Europa Media have summarized the recent trends and statistics in their latest blogpost. more

Report on the International Colloquium of the HLPE and the University of Hohenheim released [09.12.2016]

The High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the UN-Committee on World Food Security (WFS) and the University of Hohenheim organized a high-level international event on 27 September 2016 with the participation of 200 scientists and experts. Now the report on the International Colloquium was released.more

New report on "Africa’s climate: Helping decision-makers make sense of climate information" [06.12.2016]

The Future Climate for Africa report is designed as a guide for scientists, policy-makers, and practitioners on the continent. The research in this report, written by leading experts in their fields, presents an overview of climate trends across central, eastern, western, and southern Africa, and is distilled into a series of factsheets that are tailored for specific...more

FAO launched "Agroecology Knowledge Hub" [05.12.2016]

FAO has recently launched an "Agroecology Knowledge Hub". The website is aimed at maintaining and promoting information and updates on Agroecology, as well as providing a space to share experiences of FAO and our partners in Agroecology. Ultimately, the goal is to strengthen our worldwide network.more

Vortrag über tropischer Regenwald und Klimawandel am 07.12.2016 [01.12.2016]

Am Mittwoch, den 07.12.2016 von 18:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr findet in der Schloss-Aula der Universität Hohenheim ein Vortragsabend zum Thema "Das Ökosystem Regenwald, Regenwaldschutz unter Einbeziehung der indigenen Gemeinden und Forschungsmöglichkeiten (z.B. Masterarbeiten)" statt.more

FAO report on "Climate change, agriculture and food security" [19.10.2016]

The Paris Agreement, adopted in December 2015, represents a new beginning in the global effort to stabilize the climate before it is too late. It recognizes the importance of food security in the international response to climate change, as reflected by many countries focusing prominently on the agriculture sector in their planned contributions to adaptation and mitigation. To...more

Second round of discussion on pulses, organized in the context of the International Year of Pulses 2016 [17.10.2016]

The FSN Forum team of the FAO invites you to the second round of discussion on pulses, organized in the context of the International Year of Pulses 2016. The topic is: Pulses: innovations from the field to the cooking pot and aims at shedding light on innovations and policies needed in order to further improve the role that pulses can have for nutrition, food security and...more

CampusWELTbewerb - Wettbewerb für globale Nachhaltigkeit an baden-württembergischen Hochschulen [17.10.2016]

finep hat den campusWELTbewerb - Wettbewerb für globale Nachhaltigkeit an baden-württembergischen Hochschulen zum zweiten Mal ausgeschrieben. Hochschulangehörige (Studierende, Dozierende, Angestellte) sind eingeladen, eine Projektskizze zur globalen Nachhaltigkeit einzureichen, gerne in Zusammenarbeit mit zivilgesellschaftlichen Partnern. more

2016 Global hunger index: Getting to zero hunger [14.10.2016]

IFPRI’s 2016 Global Hunger Index – which measures the state of hunger at the global, regional, and national levels – is now out.more

Report on "Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century" [10.10.2016]

The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition published a report on "Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century". This evidence-based Report is designed to help policymakers make their food systems more supportive of high quality diets. more

Food Security and Nutrition in the context of the 2030 Agenda: Science and Knowledge for Action [11.09.2016]

The University of Hohenheim and the High Level Panel of Experts of the UN-Committee on World Food Security kindly invite you to participate in an International Colloquium on 27 September in Hohenheim. more

Critical and Emerging Issues Open Inquiry – 2016 Edition [08.09.2016]

An Open Inquiry on the new edition of Critical and Emerging Issues in the area of Food Security and Nutrition is currently running on the HLPE Website. The Open Inquiry will run until the 6th of October 2016 and participation is open to everyonemore

FOOD 2030: Research & Innovation for Tomorrow's Nutrition & Food Systems; High-Level Event on 12-13 October 2016 in Brussels. [30.08.2016]

The FOOD 2030 high level event will provide a platform for dialogue that seeks to build on the political momentum for a coherent research and innovation policy framework for Food and Nutrition Security. The conference is an important step towards boosting future investment in research and innovation in support of impactful nutrition and food systems research breakthroughs,...more

TP Organics (a European Technology Platform) launches call for Organic Innovations [30.08.2016]

To demonstrate the innovation potential of the organic food and farming community, TP Organics (a European Technology Platform), launches a call challenging farmers, researchers and agri-business to propose innovative solutions to one of the following needs of the organic sector: (1)Innovation for animal health and welfare in organic production systems (2) Increasing...more

'Designing the path' - A strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation: Final paper published [17.08.2016]

Challenges faced by agriculture and rural areas and the long-term character of research activities call for a strategic approach to research and innovation. See the approach final paper and reports, documents and videos of the 'Designing the path' conference where it was discussed with experts.more

Congress "Pulses - Guides towards a more sustainable agriculture" on 3rd and 4th November in Berlin [17.08.2016]

During the International Year of Pulses the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) organise a congress to deal with "Pulses – Guides towards a more sustainable agriculture", at Mercure Hotel MOA in Berlin, Germany.more

Wie finden wir zu einer gerechten Bioökonomie? [07.07.2016]

Der NABU lädt zu einer Diskussion über "Bioökonomie im Spannungsfeld von globalen Entwicklungszielen und nationalen Entwicklungstrends" von 17. - 20. August 2016 in Berlin ein.more

FOOD 2030: Research & Innovation for Tomorrow's Nutrition & Food Systems; High-Level Event, 12-13 October 2016, Brussels [04.07.2016]

The FOOD 2030 high level event will provide a platform for dialogue that seeks to build on the political momentum for a coherent research and innovation policy framework for Food and Nutrition Security. Registration now open.more

Dies Academicus und Tag der Offenen Tür [23.06.2016]

Die Forschungszentren Gesundheitswissenschaften, Globale Ernährungssicherheit und Ökosysteme und das Forschungsprogramm Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg stellen sich am Dies Academicus und Tag der Offenen Tür vormore

FAO's online discussion on pulses on the occasion of the International Year of Pulses 2016 (open until 19.06.2016) [16.06.2016]

Please visit the discussion page to read all comments received, to access background information and to post your contributions, which are welcome in all UN languages.more

Public consultation on Horizon 2020 ‘Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy’ Work Programme 2018-2020 [13.06.2016]

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from civil society organisations, businesses, research institutions, policy makers, higher education institutions, science museums, science shops, scientific centres of excellence, local public authorities, cities of scientific culture, innovators and...more

Nationale Konferenz Europäischer Forschungsraum - 10. Oktober 2016 in Berlin [08.06.2016]

Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung richtet unter dem Motto "Verbinden. Gestalten. Entwickeln." eine nationale Konferenz zum Europäischen Forschungsraum am 10. Oktober 2016 in Berlin aus. Veranstaltungsort ist das Berlin Congress Center (BCC).more

IPBES-Food report “From uniformity to diversity - A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversified agroecological systems“

The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) released its first major report: “From uniformity to diversity - A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversified agroecological systems“. more

On-line course 'Food and our Future: Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia' [02.06.2016]

The Stockholm Environment Institute organizes an on-line course with topic ‘Food and our Future: Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia’ starting in August 2016‘.more

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